FREE 5-Day "Launch Your Homeschool" Challenge
Starting June 27, 2020 |4 PM CDT
Women Only Live Massive-Action Launch Your Homeschool Challenge.
Every day for 5 days you will take real action towards your homeschool set up.
Wherever you are in your homeschooling journey, this 5-day intensive interactive training will guide you step-by-step through the entire homeschooling planning and organizing process.
Not sure how to start?
Struggling to decide which curriculum to use?
Not sure how to motivate your children to study at home?
Not sure if you can teach?
Worry about socializing?
We’ve got deep-dive sessions around each and every corner of the homeschooling process, so there will be absolutely no rock unturned for you.
Daily Schedule
June 27th, 2020 – July 1st, 2020
4:00 pm CDT
June 27 Saturday
Day 1
Discover the power of why? Why all this matter and why do you homeschool?
4:00 pm CDT
June 28 Sunday
Day 2
How to set up your homeschool headquarter? What is your homeschool goal and how do you plan to achieve your goals?
12:00 pm CDT
June 29 Monday
Day 3
What is your teaching style and what is your children’s learning style? Why does it matter?
12:00 pm CDT
June 30 Tuesday
Day 4
How do you choose your curriculum? Specific to the point advice on choosing curriculum!
12:00 pm CDT
July 1 Wednesday
Day 5
Of course we can’t talk homeschooling without talk about socializing. Spicy questions and answers. Also, what about me questions answered. Super mom syndrom and is it really healthy?
12:00 pm CDT
July 2 Thursday
BONUS Day Session
Q&A session. Time for all those questions you wanted to ask. Time for sharing with the group.
Follow These Steps
Step 1: Join the private women only FB Group
If you don’t use FB check your email for ZOOM link for the live meeting!
Step 2: Set Reminders in your phone now!
Go ahead and set an alarm, write it on your fridge, whatever you need to show up…
Step 3: Introduce yourself!
Go to Facebook group to tell Homeschooling Challenge family your name, where you’re from and your #1 reason for choosing homeschooling!
Don’t miss an opportunity to join like-minded sisters who choose not to face their challenges alone.
Spread The Love – Share
Experience the joy and blessing of sharing with others. You probably have people in your life who need a positive challenge to help them achieve their goals. Share!