Education Reimagined - apply priciples that actually work in todays world and be light-years ahead from what they teach in boring schools.

Do It.

"The only way to predict the future is to create one" -Peter Drucker

Believe It.

We teach mindset, not merely providing information. Learn to think critically and question everything - be a mover.

Move It.

Stand out in the competitive race to the best quality education by learning and implementing qualities that will get you noticed.

Stand Out.

New Way of Completing Your High School Diploma

Research shows that only 8% of U.S. high school graduates complete a curriculum that prepares them well for college and the workplace. This educational system is not working.

In addition, the world is rapidly changing and is unpredictable. How to prepare yourself for the future? Definitely not by following broken public school system.

You either have a plan or you become a part of someone else’s plan. Let’s Plan!


Consult with an Expert


Design Your Own Path


Enroll in Courses

About Us

since 2010

For over a decade we have observerd, learned and adjusted what we teach to help our students get the best out of their time. We do not follow nor copy what everyone else does. Why?

Because they do not get for their students the best results possible for many different reasons. We are focusing on what matters and where the new era paradigms are taking us. The world is changing. It’s about time the education follows.


Our Mission

Using entreprepnurial approach to learning and preparing for the future of your child. We observe, question, analyze and adjust to get faster to our goal. We teach your kids how to do it as well.


Our Vision

To be a go-to educational choice for those who dare to challange the status-quo and are not afraid to take a leap into new possibilities life has to offer.

Our Services

Experts In Every Subject

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Individual Subjects

College Prep

Study Skills

Test Prep

Social Studies

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Critical Thinking

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Web & Digital

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Practice Tests

Learn From The Comfort of Home!

Online Live Classes

No commutes, no standing stuck in traffic, no fear from Covid and many other undesirable situations.

Get the skills you need from the comfort and dafety of your home while you can.

News & Resources

Academic Program for Hifdh Students 2019/2020

There is nothing more pleasing to the parents' eyes than to see their children being raised upon the obedience of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. However, raising them in this way demands great effort.   One of the ways to accomplish this great journey of memorization...

What is a Holistic Homeschooling Approach?

Homeschooling is an educational option where parents are taking full responsibility for educating their children. Parents are designers of their own educational method and content of studies according to their children's needs and learning styles. If you are just...

Let’s Learn Together! 

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(312) 801-0509